00: Introduction
01: Concept of Customer Journey
- Customer Journey Defined
- Steps of the Customer Journey
- Relating Value Streams & Customer Journeys
- Aspects of Customer & User Experience
- Key Definitions
Exercise: Customer Journey
02: Design & Improve Customer Journeys
- Mapping Customer Journeys
- Elements of Customer Journey
- Understand the Customer Experience
- Designing Thinking
- Measure & Improve the Customer Journey
03: Step 1: Explore
- Purpose of the Explore
- Targeting Markets & Stakeholders
- Market Characteristics
- Market Segmentation
04: Marketing Activities & Techniques
- Targeting Markets
- Marketplace & Marketspace
- Personalizing & Profiling
- Brand & Reputation
- Sustainability
05: Customer Needs and Factors that Affect Them
- Understanding Customers and Their Needs
- Stakeholder Analysis
- External & Internal Factors
- SWOT Analysis
- Identify & Analyze Consumers
06: Identify Service Providers & Value Proposition
- Choosing a Provider
- Considerations When Choosing a Provider
- Industry Standards; Reference Architectures
07: Step 2: Engage
- Fostering Stakeholder Relationships
- Purpose of Engage
- Mutual Readiness & Maturity
- Relationship Types
08: Supplier & Partner Relationship Types
- Service Relationship Basics
- Foster Relationships in Different Environments
- Service Relationship Types
09: Managing Suppliers and Partners
- Key Considerations
- Models for Service Integration
- Relationship Management Service Integrator Activities
- Supplier Management Practice Guidance
Exercise: Service Relationships
10: Develop Customer Relationships; Analyze Customer Needs
- Building Service Relationships
- Service Relationship Ladder
- Tools to Support and Sustain Customer Engagement
- Three C’s Trustworthiness Model
- Understand Provider Capabilities and Customer Needs
11: Communicate & Collaborate
- Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration
- Listening Skills
- Modes of Listening
- Communication & Diversity
12: Relationship Management Practice
- Purpose
- Practice Success Factors (PSF) for Relationship Management Practice
13: Supplier Management Practice
- Purpose
- Benefits
- Practice Success Factors (PSF) for Supplier Management
14: Step 3: Offer
- Purpose of Shaping Demand & Service Offering
- Managing Demand and Opportunities
- Optimizing Capacity
- Shaping Demand
- Service Improvement Opportunities
- Building a Business Case
15: Methods for Designing Service Experience
- Lean Thinking
- Agile Product & Service Development
- User-Centered Design & Service Design Thinking
- Service Blueprint
- Design for Onboarding
16: Approaches for Selling and Obtaining Services
- Selling & Obtaining Service Offerings
- Pricing & Pricing Options
- Internal Sales
- External Sales
- Methods to Request Products & Services
17: Requirements Management
- Specify & Manage Customer Requirements
- Managing Requirements
- Minimum Viable Product & User Stories
- Moscow & Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
18: Business Analyst Practice
- Purpose
- Business Analyst Adapting to Agile Ways of Working
- Practice Success Factors
19: Step 4: Agree
- Purpose
- Aligning Expectations & Agreeing Services
- Plan for Value Co-Creation
- Service Interaction Model
- Characteristics of Services
20: Negotiate and Agree
- Gaining Consumer Agreement
- Service Level Agreement Content & Structure
- Utility & Warranty
- User Experience
- Development of Experience Level Agreement (XLA)
21: Service Level Management Practice
- Purpose, Scope & Activities
- Service Level Agreements (SLA)
- SLM Metrics
- Practice Success Factors (PSF)
- Using Guiding Principles for SLM
22: Step 5: Onboard
- Purpose of Onboarding/Offboarding
- Onboarding Activities
- Utilize Service Design Thinking
- Key Onboard/Offboard Activities
- Practice Interfaces
23: Fostering User Relationships
- Relating with Users
- Considering User Experience (UX)
- Fostering Relationships with Corporate Users
- Relationship Management with Users
24: Enabling Users for Service Use
- Necessary Skills and Rights
- Required Checks Before Services are Utilized
- Practice Interfaces
25: Elevate Mutual Capabilities
- Techniques Used by Providers
- How Consumers can Help the Service Provider
- Using Guiding Principles to Improve User Capabilities
26: Prepare Onboard/Offboard Plans
- Approach to Onboarding
- Applying the Four Dimensions To Onboarding Plans
- Onboarding Scope, Actions & Control
- Offboarding Customers & Users
- Practice Interfaces
27: User Engagement & Delivery Channels
- Channels Used by Users
- Omnichannel Management
- Shift Left
- Social Media Support
28: Service Catalog Management Practice
- Purpose
- Practice Success Factors (PSF)
- Using the Four Dimensions to Create the Catalog
- Automating the Service Catalog
- Monitoring and Measuring the Service Catalog
29: Service Desk Practice
- Purpose
- Key Terms and Concepts
- Practice Success Factors (PSF)
- Types Of Service Channels
- Examples of Channels and Their Challenges
30: Step 6: Co-Create
- Purpose of Service Provision/Consumption
- Fostering a Service Mindset
- Using Guiding Principles to Develop Service Mindset
31: Approaches for User Service/Requesting Services
- Ongoing Service Interactions
- Service Requests
32: Triaging User Requests, Moments of Truth
- Service Desk Interactions
- Agreed Rules for Triage, Prioritization, and Resolution
- Moments of Truth
- Intelligent Disobedience
33: User Communities
- User Community Activities
- Benefits
- Creation and Maintenance
- Superusers
34: Encouraging Customer/User Feedback
- Establish Continual Effective Feedback Gathering
- Challenges and Solutions for Customer and User Feedback
35: Service Request Management Practice
- Purpose
- Practice Success Factors (PSF)
- Request Catalog
- Fulfill Requests to Agreed Procedure
36: Step 7: Realize
- Service Value Defined
- Realizing Service Value
- Evaluating Value Realization
- Track, Assess & Evaluate Value Co-Creation
37: Measuring Service Usage & Satisfaction
- Tracking Customer Experience (CX) & Satisfaction
- Methods to Monitor Customer Experience
- Tracking Service Usage
38: Methods to Track/Monitor Service Value
- Service Value Indicator
- Tracking Value Realization
- Service Profit Chain
- Qualitative Measurement
- Tracking Performance, Output & Outcome
39: Charging Mechanisms
- Charging Policies
- Charging & Billing
- Cost Allocation Models
- Define Chargeable Items
- Measuring Service Usage
40: Validate Service Value, Report Service Outcomes
- Realizing Service Value
- Assess & Report Value Realization
- Evaluation & Verification
- Track, Assess & Evaluate Outcomes
Exercise: Measuring Value Realization
41: Evaluate & Improve Customer Journey
- Evaluate Value Realization & Improve Customer Journeys
- Continual Improvement: Sources of Improvement
42: Portfolio Management Practice
- Purpose
- Portfolio Types
- How portfolios Enable ROI
- Practice Success Factors (PSF)
43: Course Summary