With every business graduating to technological processes, it’s safe to assume that IT careers are the future. Even those who specialize in non-IT fields, like business and communication, are expected to have at least a bit of IT background to constantly engage the high-tech world. As careers in Information Technology continue to overtake the job market, the employment opportunities in the field also continue to transform.
Careers in Information Technology Are Consistently Growing
If, in the 80s and 90s, the use of Microsoft Word was already skill that qualifies you for an IT job, that just won’t fly now. Everyone knows how to use that software- even 7-year olds doing their homework. This article will show you the many opportunities that IT professionals should be on the look out for in the next 5 to 10 years.
Database Analyst/ Administrator
With a projected 31% growth in the next decade, database analysts and administrators are looking at a long career opportunity. For those who are just about to join the labor force or will be joining it in the next few years, there are thousands of jobs waiting for you and a steady pay that no employee will complain about.
This growth is in huge thanks to businesses figuring out just how valuable accumulating data is – from sign up sheets when customers purchase products to the traffic of people at certain time of everyday. This information is not only used to convert sales, but to constantly improve the marketing, operations and other business strategies to help better position a business. All these can only be possible with a database analyst and administrator’s ability to gather, organize, analyze and secure data.
Video Game Designer
Being a $65 billion industry and growing everyday, any IT professional will always have a special place in the video game world. Not only is it now limited to traditional gaming devices – like the computer and console, the recent developments in the tech world has also opened up opportunities in mobile software development. This is really where the growth will be, how games that are usually played with bigger screens scaled to tablets and phones.
Mobile Application Developer
This is another career opportunity that will continue to boom in the next decade, thanks to the billions of mobile users in the world and their equally huge mobile app download. Currently, this one of the fastest growing jobs in the world because IT professionals can go to practically any existing business, offer to develop their app and move on to the next. The pool of possible clients is endless – from entertainment and fashion to medical companies and financial institutions. They can even join a team of mobile app developers or they can make their own app that they can sell once it has gained some traction.
With these amazing career opportunities, you’ll want to get your certification right away. Do any of the above careers interest you? Let us know in the comments below!