When it comes to keeping up with the latest technology, many become overwhelmed. Most people are too busy to spend the time to evaluate new applications and software. The biggest tip to learn new technology is to take baby steps. Some evaluate new technology every six months, others more frequently. They want to know what’s out there that can make their lives better, more efficient, educational or just fun.
Learn New Technology, Because Technology is Awesome!
The perception of technology can vary with different generations but most agree it makes our lives better. To that end, I suggest focusing on what technology will most impact your life in a positive way. For some it maybe business-related such as contact relationship management (CRM) applications that promote shared calendaring, tracking of emails and documents as well as the basic contact information tracking.
For others, technology may be more pragmatic such as the huge surge of downloads during Hurricane Irma of Zello Walkie-Talkie, a two-way radio phone communication. This would allow critical communication between family members and friends if the cell towers went down but Internet connectivity was still available.
Entertainment is a big draw for technology. For example, Spotify allows fairly unlimited music listening entertainment for about $9.00 per month. Moreover, this app allows excellent organization and sharing of your music lists, particularly fun if your friends enjoy music as well. Ever get stuck in traffic? Sure, that’s 100 percent affirmative for anyone living on the planet. Then you might download Waze to give you a heads up on exactly when the traffic clears, if there’s any road hazards, accidents, police with radar guns, you know very helpful information.
If you’re on the brainier side of things, you may like Pocket, previously known as Read It Later, an application and service for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet. If you are a creative type, you may like Snapseed, a photo editing application that enables users to enhance photos and apply digital filters. Type A people may love Wunderlist, a cloud-based task management application allowing users to manage their stuff from any device including their smartwatch. This app might be used in conjunction with Evernote, an app designed for notetaking, organization and archiving which can be used personally or as an office intranet.
In the end, you can choose to embrace technology or ignore it. You’re in charge of your electronic world, so pick and choose what works best for you. You might be surprised how technology, when used on your terms, can positively impact your life. Stay curious!